Mango-Lime & Spearmint Homemade Deodorant Recipe — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (2024)

This article is an easy and fabulous recipe for the perfect natural deodorant for summer, with mango butter, spearmint, and lime scents….Smells delicious! AND, it works! Learn to make your own homemade natural deodorant with these summer scents and oils.

Updated June, 2022

I hate to admit this....but I have been out of my handmade deodorant for about two months now. Yuck, right? ;-) So today, I thought I'd create a brand new deodorant recipe just for summer. And boy, did it turn out GREAT! It's seriously my new favorite natural deodorant recipe. And it sure did feel good to use some real deodorant again! :-) Enjoy!

But first off: Why would anyone want to bother making their own deodorant? Why not go buy the "natural" stuff in the stores, if you're concerned about chemicals, you wonder? I mean, that's just easier, right?

There's lots more to the deodorant mystery than what meets the eye.

To find out more about the chemicals and garbage lurking in commercial deodorants, even the "natural" brands, check out my article: Antiperspirants and Deodorants: Should You Be Worried?

Edit: One of my readers, who I appreciate so much, emailed me. She loves this recipe! Here is her quote from the email, and thank you to all of you who have written to tell me how much you love it, too! :-)

My name is (anon)and I live in Devon, England. I just wanted to drop you a line to say I absolutely love your deodorant recipe. It smells amazing, goes on easy, keeps pongs at bay and doesn’t leave any residue on my clothes. Thank you and keep up the good work 😊"

Now on to my latest natural summer deodorant recipe so you can make it too!

Mango-Lime & Spearmint Homemade Deodorant Recipe — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (1)

FTC Disclosure: There are affiliate links scattered throughout this article. If you click through and make any kind of purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

How to Make Mango-Lime & Spearmint Deodorant

I love this stuff! I wanted a softer version of my original deodorant recipe that was still effective but smelled refreshing and light for the summer. I decided to use Mango Butter as the main moisturizer and carrier for the essential oils.

I increased the amounts of baking soda and arrow root powder just a little to offset the extra softness of the Mango butter.

Then I decided on Lime, Spearmint, and Lemongrass essential oils for the fresh, summery scent combination as well as the antibacterial factors of these essential oils. Yum! This blend is a smell winner!

It's light, refreshing, slightly cooling, but not overpowering. And the lime scent makes me very happy!

Ingredients for Mango-Lime & Spearmint Deodorant

There are many butters and oils that could work in this recipe. In fact, you can read about my 20 favorites for homemade skincare creations if you like, right here.

** 5 Tbsp. Mango Butter

The reason I chose Mango Butter for this recipe is because of how quickly it absorbs into the skin. It's pretty amazing! It also melts quickly, is very soft, and honestly, I just love it. As far as the scent, it doesn't smell very strong, but if you purchase a pure brand, you can definitely get a bit of a "whiff" of Mango. VERY nice for summer.

** 1 tsp Shea Butter

I love Shea Butter, too. In fact, it's my usual go-to, and very good for beginners. I added a small amount of Shea Butter because of its extra-moisturizing powers. It has a tendency to be heavy and it definitely absorbs more slowly than Mango Butter. This small amount I thought would be perfect for a summer deodorant recipe.

Note: If you want to mix and match the two butters in different combinations, this deodorant should still work just fine.

** 4 Tbsp. Arrowroot Powder

Arrowroot Powder is highly absorbent, and that's why it's included here. I like to balance the baking soda with Arrowroot Powder pretty evenly because I have sensitive skin that just can’t get used to baking soda alone. Arrowroot Powder is not great at getting rid of odors, but it will definitely help with sweat.

I’ve found this combination of the two powders works quite well, getting rid of odor while still keeping you dry and not killing my pits.

** 4 Tbsp. Baking Soda

Baking Soda is great for helping absorb odors, as well as moisture. That's why we use an open box in the fridge, right? However, the problem some people have with baking soda is it is highly irritating to skin due to its alkaline nature.

If Baking Soda gives you issues, you can adjust the amounts of Arrowroot Powder and Baking Soda to match what you need. Start off with my measurements, then you can make adjustments.Be sure to use food grade baking soda.

** 40 drops Lime Essential Oil

Lime is purifying and smells GREAT! It also helps your immune system. Be sure it’s steam-distilled and not cold-pressed, as cold-pressed lime essential oil can be phototoxic….at least if your pits will be seeing the sunshine (or a tanning bed).

** 25 drops Spearmint Essential Oil

Spearmint is refreshing and has a lighter minty scent than peppermint. It also helps deodorize. It's a great complement to Lime!

** 8 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass is also purifying, but it has a very heavy scent. That's why there's only 5 drops in this recipe. It's uplifting and clarifying. It also helps to “ground” and hold the lime scent in the recipe.

NOTE: The above links are for Amazon for your convenience. Another great place to purchase your essential oils is Starwest Botanicals. I love that company!For essential oils, I also just can’t get over Rocky Mountain Oils as well.

Mango-Lime & Spearmint Homemade Deodorant Recipe — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (3)

Directions for How to Make Natural Mango-Lime and Spearmint Deodorant

Step 1) Melt the butters together

Using a double boiler system (I just use a pint Mason jar for the Butters placed in a pan of about 1 to 2 inches of water), turn the heat to low or low-medium (no boiling), and let the butters melt in the Mason jar. Or, if you have a double boiler, you can use that.

Step 2) Mix in the powders

Remove the butters from the heat and add in the Arrowroot Powder and the Baking Soda. Stir really well until the oils and the powders are well combined.

Mango-Lime & Spearmint Homemade Deodorant Recipe — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (4)

Step 3) Add the Essential Oils

Now stir in your essential oils until well-combined.

Step 4) Pour into your jar(s)

Now, just pour the combination into your glass jars. I just used a 4 ounce jelly Mason jar for this recipe, and it was the perfect amount. You can also use amber glass jars or 4 ounce tins as well.

Step 5) Place in the freezer or fridge for about an hour or until it sets up

If you want your deodorant to set up nicely and quickly, it's a good idea to place the jar in the fridge or freezer for a short time. It will set up, and unless it's really hot out, it will stay solid.

That's it!

To Use Your Natural Deodorant

All you need to do is take a pea-sized amount and rub gently into each arm pit. Your pits will love you! You are moisturizing, smelling great, and there are no toxic chemicals involved! How awesome is that?

Mango-Lime & Spearmint Homemade Deodorant Recipe — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (6)

Final Reflections on Mango, Spearmint & Lime Natural Deodorant

I LOVE this deodorant recipe! I think everyone should try it! But then….I am biased. But seriously, it’s one of the best natural deodorants I’ve tried or created. Ever.

Want more? Here are some other fun handmade skincare and health recipes you might enjoy:

Black Drawing Salve

Anti-Itch Salve for Dry Skin

Wild Violet and Frankincense Natural Deodorant Recipe

Toxins Lurking in Your Commercial Deodorant (Why You Should Just Make Your Own)

Series: How to Start Using Herbs

If you enjoy watching videos, here are some from my YouTube channel (please subscribe!):

Herbs and Essential Oils for Pain Management

Arnica and Comfrey Salve with Yarrow

Are You Medically Prepared?

Natural Foot Soak for Better Circulation

AND….hundreds more over there on YouTube.

And there are so many more on the blog! So head on over to the home page and check out some more!

Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance,


P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter! You’ll never miss a thing, and you’ll get immediate access to the Resource Library filled with printable eBooks, guides, and lots more for your self-reliance lifestyle. Just complete the form below:

Mango-Lime & Spearmint Homemade Deodorant Recipe — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (9)


Heidi Villegas, MA, CA, Herbalist

handmade deodorant, deodorant, natural deodorant, deodorant recipe, mango butter deodorant


Mango-Lime & Spearmint Homemade Deodorant Recipe — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (2024)


How to make natural lime deodorant? ›

Coconut Lime Deodorant
  1. 2 tbsp coconut oil.
  2. 1 tbsp baking soda ((aka sodium bicarbonate))
  3. 3 tbsp arrowroot powder.
  4. 5 drops lime essential oil (or your preferred essential oil)

What does magnesium hydroxide do in deodorant? ›

Studies have shown that Magnesium Hydroxide does not absorb into the skin. Instead, its main purpose in a natural deodorant is to counteract any odor-causing bacteria on the surface of the skin without impacting the dermis – the layer of skin where sweat glands, pores and hair follicles are contained.

Can you use mango butter as deodorant? ›

It truly is the best DIY deodorant recipe. Mango butter and coconut oil are both extremely moisturizing to skin. Coconut oil helps ward off bacteria, and mango butter comes in and adds yummy vitamins and fatty acids for your under arms to enjoy.

How to make natural deodorant with magnesium hydroxide? ›

  1. 2 tablespoons shea butter.
  2. 3 tablespoons candelilla wax.
  3. 2 tablespoons coconut oil.
  4. 2 tablespoons magnesium hydroxide.
  5. 2 tablespoons arrowroot starch.
  6. 12 drops of essential oils.
Nov 23, 2023

Does lime stop your armpits from smelling? ›

Lime is a citrus fruit that contains citric acid, which helps to kill the bacteria that cause body odour. The acidic properties of lime juice create an inhospitable environment for the bacteria to thrive, thus reducing the odour they produce.

Is it OK to use lemon as deodorant? ›

“Lemons can temporarily decrease odor in the armpits, and the alpha-hydroxy acid in citric acid can kill odor-causing bacteria,” Dr. Geeta Yadav told Shape in an interview, but added that “antiperspirant and deodorant are a much better and safer way (than using lemons)” when it comes to diminishing body odor.

Is magnesium deodorant better than aluminum? ›

That said, many natural deodorant options help with both odor and moisture. Time for another shameless magnesium hydroxide plug: because Mg(OH)2 is less soluble than other natural aluminum alternatives, magnesium-based deodorants often help to absorb the moisture before and during the bacteria battle.

Which magnesium is best for body odor? ›

The most common one is magnesium sulfate. Some people take it in the form of a bath. The magnesium from the bath is excreted through urine, which helps detoxify the body. Other forms of magnesium supplementation are magnesium citrate and magnesium oil.

What ingredient in deodorant stops odor? ›

Antibacterial ingredients

Just as aluminum compounds are the antiperspirant active ingredient in deodorants, antibacterials are the active aspect of odor reduction. Antibacterial ingredients work to eliminate the bacteria that cause bad odors from areas where sweat is common.

Who should not use mango butter? ›

However, those who are allergic or sensitive to mangoes should avoid it. How Often Can You Use It: Up to twice a day. Works Well With: Other types of emollient ingredients including coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, mild essential oils, etc.

Does coconut oil work as deodorant? ›

Virgin coconut oil specially is bursting with antibacterial properties, as it's processed without heat. This means that, when applied topically, it combats the smell at the source. Say goodbye to body odour, and hello to not using any nasty chemicals to do the job. Coconut oil deodorant is so easy to make.

Does mango butter have healing properties? ›

Along with softening and soothing properties, it cleanses the skin's surface of impurities and unblocks pores. The anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties of Mango Butter make it an effective soothing agent for skin afflicted by dryness, eczema, and dermatitis.

Why spray magnesium on armpits? ›

Not only can it work as a great deodorant, using a topical magnesium oil can also help boost your magnesium levels, supporting a multitude of health benefits and body processes.

Is zinc or magnesium better for deodorant? ›

In my research I found that some people respond better to zinc oxide than magnesium hydroxide and vice versa when it comes to odor protection.

Is Epsom salt good for deodorant? ›

The next time you take a shower, massage it onto your skin in circular motions. Rinse it off with warm water and pat your skin dry. Epsom salt can be used as a natural underarm deodorant.

How to use lime as a deodorant? ›

You can squeeze the lime and apply the juice to your underarms with a cotton pad, or you can apply the lime directly to your armpit, just like I did. It really is that simple. It feels strange rubbing produce on your body, but beyond that, it was super easy.

Can I make my own natural deodorant? ›

DIY: Natural Deodorant
  1. 1/2 cup coconut oil.
  2. 1/4 cup cornstarch (or arrowroot powder for sensitive skin)
  3. 1/4 cup baking soda.
  4. 1/8 -1/4 teaspoon essential oil (choose your favorite scent)

What are the ingredients in lemon deodorant? ›

Himalayan Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda), Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Maranta Arundinacea (Arrowroot), Citrus Limonum (Lemon) Peel Powder, Citrus Limonum (Lemon) Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Oil, Evernia Prunastri (Oakmoss).

Is lime a natural antiperspirant? ›

MORE INFOS 🍋 Lime can be a great deodorant due to its citric acid. Citric acid is an antibacterial and also antioxidant, therefore prevents (and can also kill) the formation of many bacteria that can cause bad odors. Make sure to apply it on clean skin (after shower at best) to maximize its efficiency.

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.