How to See Liked Posts on Instagram In 2022 [New Update] - AiGrow (2025)

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Anyone using Instagram at one point in their journey will ask themselves does Instagram show what you like’ and how to see liked posts on Instagram?

Maybe this question doesn’t seem so necessary for personal use. But when it comes to business and social bonding, checking recently liked posts on Instagram becomes more relevant than ever.

Of course, many other major social media platforms provide easy access to see your previous engagement with posts and pages. But on Instagram, it isn’t that obvious.

For this reason, people often use other alternative ways to check their liked posts on Instagram, or better to say, to “find” what they have previously engaged with.

Some users send the post to themselves; others use the saved posts feature to view likes on Instagram for later use.

However, there is a hidden way to see your liked posts on Instagram, and in this article, I am about to cover that.

Note: If you are here to not only find out how to see liked posts on Instagram but also how to get more likes on Instagram, don’t miss the opportunity to use the Aigrow VIP growth service.

Why Do You Need to See Your Liked Posts on Instagram?

Before getting our hands on how to see liked posts on Instagram in 2022, first, let’s explore some reasons why you need to see your liked posts on Instagram.

Following new accounts based on your interests: every now and then we often check Instagram’s explore page to find more interesting content on the platform. Or maybe a friend or an influencer mentioned some new post that got your attention at the time. But now you want to find that post and follow the page for more similar content.

To check more details or finish what you’ve started: maybe at the time of viewing the post, you didn’t have enough time to read the entire caption, or you realized that you need more details about the post and want a more careful reading of the caption.

To leave a comment or review what others commented on the post: on some occasions, every now and then we need to go back to what we saw on a social network and provide our comment about what just came into our mind. Or maybe you want to scroll through the comments that others left on the topic to see others’ reactions.

With all that said, it is no surprise that many people use the Like feature to bookmark the posts they’ve liked.

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram?

Now we get to the actual steps to answer how to see your liked posts on Instagram; It is easier than you think. To check recently liked on Instagram, follow these steps:

Step1: After signing in to your account, tap on the Instagram profile icon in the bottom right corner.

Step2: Tap on three dots or three lines (hamburger menu) on the top right corner to open the menu.

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram In 2022 [New Update] - AiGrow (1)

Step3: Tap on Setting to open the setting page

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram In 2022 [New Update] - AiGrow (2)

Step4: Tap on Account

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram In 2022 [New Update] - AiGrow (3)

Step5: Tap on Posts You’ve Liked on Instagram’s setting page to view likes on Instagram

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram In 2022 [New Update] - AiGrow (4)

Now you can see your previously liked posts on Instagram. But want to know a more accessible way on how to see liked posts on Instagram? Just tap on setting and type ‘Posts You’ve Liked’ on the search bar.

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram In 2022 [New Update] - AiGrow (5)

How to Check Liked Posts on Instagram PC?

The above procedure is for checking liked posts on the Instagram app itself. On the desktop version, or better to say, on the browser version of a PC or Laptop, there isn’t any way to check liked posts on.

However, there might be some third-party apps that let you list previously liked posts, but as always, I do not recommend accessing your Instagram account from a third-party, unauthorized app; you may face unpleasant consequences later.

Are you wondering about authorized ones? Then don’t forget to read our blog post on the best apps to get more likes on Instagram.

Limitations to Check Recently Liked on Instagram

Previously I talked about some users that use likes as a way of bookmarking new content and how to see recently liked posts on Instagram. Well, bad news! Although we now know how to see liked posts on Instagram, that doesn’t mean we can see all Instagram liked posts.

Like everything else on Instagram, there is a limitation on showing posts you’ve liked on Instagram. You cannot see more than 300 posts you’ve liked (including both photos and videos).

As you see, using the like feature to bookmark the posts is not a good option. Another limitation worth mentioning here is that you cannot view a list of posts for your recently commented content.

Therefore, from now on, if you want to go back to your previously commented posts, it is better to press that like button besides commenting.

An alternative way is to use the bookmarking feature added on Instagram to easily bookmark or create a collection of posts for future use.

Can You See Others Liked Posts On Instagram?

Now you know how to see posts you’ve liked on Instagram in 2022. But everything up until now is about posts you’ve liked on Instagram, not others.

For whatever reason, maybe you want to know how to see posts people liked on Instagram and engaged with. Up until 2019, you could view others’ Instagram liked posts. But after some other updates, this feature was lifted because of some privacy issues.

The only option on the Instagram app for you to check others’ liked posts on Instagram is by checking it manually. This option is very time-consuming and only works if you look for some specific post.

Simply open the specific post that you want to see if someone liked it or not. If that person is your follower or in the following list, their username would appear under the post beside the Likes link.

Otherwise, you should click on the likes link to view the list of all the likes that posts have received and look up that person in the list.

Can You See What Others Liked on Instagram Using Third-Party Apps?

If you want to view a person’s Instagram activity on a platform other than Instagram, there are third-party platforms that can help you do this. One of these services is SnoopReport Which you can use to check the likes, comments, and follows of the Instagram users you’re interested in.

How to See Hidden Likes on Instagram in 2022?

If you would like to continue viewing hidden likes on photos and videos after the new update, you can install the Socialinsider Chrome extension. Socialinsider claims that no data is sent to their servers and that your data is protected.

How to See First Liked Post on Instagram?

Follow these steps to find the first post you ever liked on Instagram:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Click on your profile.
  3. In the top right corner, click the three lines.
  4. Go into ‘Your activity.’
  5. Click on ‘Interactions,’ then ‘Likes.’
  6. Choose ‘Oldest to Newest’ as the sort option under ‘Sort & Filter’.
  7. Tap ‘Apply.’

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll be able to see all of the posts you’ve liked on Instagram, starting from the very first.

How to See Most Liked Post on Instagram?

To find your most liked photos on Instagram, log into your account and head to the profile page. Tap on the three stripes in the upper right corner, then choose insights. Scroll down and tap on Content You’ve Shared> Post. Tap on “Any” in the upper left corner, then click on Photos. Select Likes from the drop-down menu and your most liked photos will appear.

Why Can’t I See Posts I’ve Liked on Instagram in 2022?

If you can’t see the posts you have liked on Instagram, it’s because the app modified its user interface sometime back and took away that tab. But it’s still possible to find them.

Open your Instagram app, go to your Profile page, tap the menu in the top-right corner of the screen, then select “Your activity.” From there, tap “Interactions” and then “Likes.”

How to Hide Like Count on All Instagram Posts?

If you want to hide the like count of your Instagram posts, follow the steps below:

  • Go to your Profile tab.
  • Click on the hamburger menu.
  • Select Settings.
  • Select Privacy
  • Click on Posts
  • Switch on the Hide Like and View Counts toggle.

It is now possible to enjoy content without getting distracted by like counts or other metrics.

What Does the Order of Likes on Instagram Mean?

Whenever someone likes your post, Instagram calculates the number of followers they have and displays those users with the highest number of followers first. This is probably done to encourage you to grow your audience.

How To Get More Likes On Instagram?

In this article, I only talked about how to see posts you liked on Instagram. But as we are talking about likes, it is best to mention some tried and tested ways to get more likes on your posts on Instagram. In general, we can categorize all the activities for increasing likes into three broad groups:

Quality content: without content, what is there to like? There are many tips and tricks that all tackle the problem of getting more likes. Especially with recent algorithmic changes on Instagram and decreasing reach for low-quality content.

So, the first thing you should have in your mind when trying to get more likes is to only upload your highest-quality photos and videos.

The second and equally important thing is writing enticing and thoughtful Instagram captions that derive more engagement.

Correct publicity: After making sure that your content is qualified enough to get more likes, the rest is somehow technical.

You can always use some good Instagram hashtag strategies, and Instagram liker hacks to increase your reach. Another point in increasing your likes is tagging the correct people according to the content you are providing.

Using a reliable Instagram management service: Using a reliable Instagram management service like AiGrow VIP growth service, you get access to all that is needed to get more likes on your posts, this service consists of a team of experts in Instagram marketing and an AI-powered system.

A dedicated Instagram account manager specific to your account will do all growth activities manually on your behalf. (follow, unfollow, like, etc.)

All that manual activities and smart use of hashtags and locations to bring more targeted audiences will lead you to get more likes, which means more engagement and growing your Instagram page faster than ever!

Use this safe organic Instagram growth service now.

And lastly, keep in mind that one of the most critical factors to get more likes on Instagram is to keep a decent like-to-follower ratio to signal the algorithm to ‘show your content for more people.’ This ratio will eventually lead to more likes on your post.

Would you like to know more? Check also this blog on ways to get more likes on Instagram in 2022


As you can see, there is a simple four-step recipe for this simple question of how to see liked posts on Instagram. This feature is used to access recent content you have liked on this platform that forgot to save, need to use the content once more, or even want to, unlike mistakenly liked posts.

However, you should always remember that you can only view 300 Instagram-liked posts in 2022, no more! So, using this feature for bookmarking or hoping to find your liked posts whenever you wish is not a recommended option.

Finally, don’t forget to go after only organic ways to bring more likes and engagement to your Instagram page.

Give the growth service of AiGrow a try now and bring targeted and organic followers to your page.

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram In 2022 [New Update] - AiGrow (2025)


How to See Liked Posts on Instagram In 2022 [New Update] - AiGrow? ›

Step1: After signing in to your account, tap on the Instagram profile icon in the bottom right corner. Step2: Tap on three dots or three lines (hamburger menu) on the top right corner to open the menu. Now you can see your previously liked posts on Instagram.

How do you see recently liked posts on Instagram 2022? ›

Tap or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile. Tap in the top right, then tap Your activity. Tap Interactions, then tap Likes. Tap the post or video you'd like to view.

How do I see my liked posts on Instagram March 2023? ›

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram App
  1. Open the Instagram app and log in to your account.
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. This will take you to your profile page. ...
  4. Select “Your activity” and then “Interactions”.
  5. From there select “Likes” and visit the Instagram posts you've liked.
Mar 27, 2023

Why can't I see my likes on Instagram? ›

What changed with Instagram likes in 2022? Are you wondering, 'Why can't I see the number of post likes on Instagram?'. This change comes down to the fact that Instagram will no longer publicly display the number of likes generated by posts unless the user chooses to make the like count public.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.