How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (2024)

Posted by San Luong & filed under Bread - Pastry.


How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (1)

  • Prep Time
  • Cook Time
  • Yield
  • Difficulty

So, we are heading right into the last quarter of the year. It’s time when we can officially go absolutely maniac over pumpkins, pumpkin-themed activities, and of course, sweet and savoury pumpkin dishes. At where I live, whenever I go to the superstore or visit the farmer market, there will be a huge outdoor section where they put pumpkins out for sale; pumpkins of all kinds, from the tiny pumpkins used for cooking to the gigantic pumpkins used for Halloween decorations. For many of us, fall means the change of season, the time for family gathering, the time for scary spooky things, for exciting Trick or Treat, and who can forget, it’s the time for stash of delicious pumpkin pies and Jack O’ Lantern carved pumpkins at your doorstep.

Now, you may already know that I love buns, especially the soft airy kind. And while on a quest of putting this seasonal delicacy into good use, I thought I should just as well incorporate it into these buns, pumpkin buns in actual mini pumpkin shape! Believe me, they are not difficult to make at all and I’m sure if you are going to serve this at a party, your guests will be wow-ing in awe. You will not be disappointed at the taste, the aroma, and the looks of these super cute and super delicious treats. Have I got you excited for pumpkin buns yet?


TOOLS: Baking tray and silicon baking mat or parchment paper

MAKE: 15 buns


  • 1 kg pumpkin (about 2 lb. pumpkin, I prefer to use butternut squash)
  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) milk – lukewarm
  • 42 gram (3 tbsp) unsalted butter – melted (if using salted, omit the salt in recipe)
  • 1 medium egg (60 gram including shell)
  • 50 gram (1/4 cup) light brown sugar
  • 3 gram (1/2 tsp) salt
  • 6 gram (2 tsp) instant yeast
  • 325 – 350 gram (~ 2.5 cup) all-purpose flour
  • About 1 L milk and 100 – 200 gram sweetened condensed milk to make pumpkin smoothie


  1. If using canned pumpkin puree, use about 130 gram (1/2 cup) for this recipe.
  2. This recipe requires instant yeast (that needs no activation before use).
  3. 50 gram of light brown sugar can be substituted with 40 gram white sugar. This bread is not very sweet as I intend to make it to compliment dinner, if you want to make it sweeter, feel free to add more sugar.


A detailed recipe with all the specific notes is available on Savoury Days’ YouTube Channel (subscribe to get all the newly uploaded recipes) in both English and Vietnamese (select your preferred language by clicking CC > Setting > Language). You guys can check it out at this link or the video right below.


1. Peel the pumpkin, cut and remove all seeds, then slice into small pieces. Place the pumpkin slices onto a tray lined with aluminum foil. Cover the tray completely with another layer of aluminum foil. Bake at 230˚C (446˚F) in about 30 – 40 minutes until the pumpkin slices are tender and can be easily mashed with a fork. Take the tray out; mash the pumpkin or blend it in a blender until it becomes smooth puree.

  • Baking time will vary depending on type and ripeness of the pumpkin
  • You can also choose to steam the pumpkin but baking will give out more flavour

2. In a large bowl, add in milk, melted butter, 130 gram (1/2 cup) mashed/pureed pumpkin. Gently beat an egg and measure out 25 gram (1/2 egg). Add this 25 gram of beaten egg into the bowl, mix well with the other ingredients. Keep the remaining beaten egg for egg wash later on.

3. Add sugar and salt into the bowl.

4. Add instant yeast and mix well. Note: the temperature of the mixture should not be higher than 40˚C, otherwise yeast may die.

5. Sift in flour and mix until the batter looks incorporated. Gently knead with your hands. When the dough becomes somewhat hom*ogenous, use a damp towel to cover the bowl and let it rest in 10 – 15 minutes.

6. After 10 – 15 minutes, knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic. The dough is tacky but not sticky when touched with our fingers. Besides, it can be stretched out into a translucent windowpane without breaking.


– The amount of flour used will vary depending on water absorption capability of each brand. For this recipe, you will need somewhere between 300 – 350 gram of flour. If you are going to knead the dough by hand, in the first 5 minutes, the dough will be quite sticky. But it will get better as you keep kneading. If after a while and the dough is still sticky, add in more flour. If you go overboard with the flour and the dough now becomes hard and difficult to knead, add in some teaspoons of milk, one at a time, until the dough becomes soft enough to knead (hard dough will result in hard, dry bread that cannot be stored for long time).

– You can also use a mixing machine with dough hooks to knead the bread.

7. Grease the proofing bowl with a little oil. Place the dough inside the bowl and turn it around so that it is covered with oil (to prevent the dough from drying out). Cover the bowl with a damp towel. Proof at room temperature until the dough doubles in size. Proofing time will be between 45 – 70 minutes, dough will proof faster at warmer temperatures.

8. After the first proof, take the dough out of the bowl and knead for another 2 – 3 minutes until the dough is smooth. Divide the dough into 15 equal portions, each weighs about 40 – 45 gram.

9. Shape the dough pieces into balls. Prepare a baking tray that is lined with parchment paper or silicon baking mat.

10. To make the pumpkin shape, there are 2 methods: (plscheck the video for visual instructions on both of these methods)

Method 1: Cut the dough using a pair of scissors:

  • Place the dough balls onto the tray so that they are about 3 – 4cm apart from each other.
  • Dust your hands with some flour, gently flatten the ball a little
  • Dip the tip of the scissors into oil. Using the scissors, cut the dough into “petals”. The dough should resemble a flower.
  • Do remember to dip the scissors into oil before use as the oil helps the cut petals to stay apart and not sticking back together during the second proofing and baking.

Method 2: Tie the dough using thread:

  • Use a long thread to tie around the dough ball in a way that the ball is divided into 8 parts.
  • Do not tie the ball too tightly as it will continue to rise a lot more during the second proofing and baking.

* Pros and Cons in each method:

– The first method can be done very quickly and easily, the end result looks nice, but it won’t give a realistic look of a pumpkin as the second method will. In addition, you cannot add filling if using method one.

– The second method gives very realistic looking pumpkin buns; as well as filling of your choice can be added. However, this method is much more time consuming as the tying and un-tying process may get tedious.

– In the video, I use Laughing Cow’s cheese but you can also use other choices of filling such as egg custard, red bean paste… But, do remember not to use too much filling (filing should only weigh 1/3 of dough); otherwise it may leak out during baking.

11. After you finish shaping the dough, cover them by placing another big tray or big container on top. Proof for the second time until the dough rises to 75%. The dough should be covered tightly to prevent them from drying out.

12. Preheat the oven at 180˚C (356˚F) (Start this when the dough rises to 70%).

13. Use the remaining 25 gram of beaten egg and mix it with 5 ml (1 tsp) water and let it pass through a sieve. Using a small brush, gently brush a thin layer of egg wash onto the surface of the dough. This will help the baked buns to have a shiny, golden brown crust.

Then, use the tip of a chopstick or something similar to make a small hole in the centre of the dough. This is where you will be putting the stem on.

14. Bake at 175 – 180˚C (347 – 356˚F) in 20 – 22 minutes until the buns become golden brown. If you are making smaller or bigger buns, baking time will need to be adjusted. Don’t bake for too long or the buns will dry out.

After about 17 minutes, rotate the tray so that the buns are evenly baked.

15. Remove the buns from the oven. When they are still hot, brush a thin layer of whipping cream or butter onto the surface; this helps to create an even shinier surface and also to give more aroma to the buns.

If using the second method, let the buns cool down completely before cutting the thread.

16. Break a pecan in half and put it in the hole at the centre of the bun to make the stem. Another option is to use a short stick of cinnamon, which will also add a very nice aroma to the buns.

Use up in one day or store in an airtight container for use in 2 days.


Either from using one whole pumpkin or canned pumpkin puree, after this, you should have lots of pumpkin leftover. This can be used to make this easy and delicious pumpkin smoothie, following these steps:

– In a blender, add in mashed/pureed pumpkin and milk in a 1:2 ratio. For example, for 100 gram pumpkin, use 200 ml milk.

– Blend it well. Another option is to use a balloon whisk and whisk it by hand. If the mixture appears to be too thick, add more milk.

– For sweetening option, feel free to use any kind of sweeteners, sugar, sweetened condensed milk, honey, maple syrup…

– Milk can also be substituted with other alternatives such as almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk…

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How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (3) Cindy

Oooops! Oh my word, so sorry. Forget my previous comment. I was looking at the directions in my excitement (LOL) and totally missed that you had the actual recipe right there – with all the measured ingredients. Thanks again.

How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (4) Cindy

Can’t wait to make these – you are soooo creative. I noticed that you divided the butternut squash between the dough and the smoothies. But how much of the pureed squash did you actually use in the dough? I don’t want to add too much as it might come out mushy. Thank you in advance for your reply.

How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (5) Leah

These look amazing and I want to make them for thanksgiving. Have you ever made them more than 2 days in advance and froze them? if so, did they keep?

How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (6) Linh Trang

Hi Leah, I’m sorry for my late reply. I’ve never freeze these buns but theoretically, we can freeze almost all kinds of sweet and rich bread like this and thaw in the fridge. So I guess it should work.

How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (8) Rachel

Hello! These rolls look beautiful! If you make them again soon, will you post photos of the tying? I would love to make them, but I’m not sure I understand the method. Thanks!

How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (9) Rachel

Never mind! I just saw the video – i get it now! Thanks!

How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (10) Lucy @ Globe Scoffers

I love these dinner rolls they sound delicious and extremely cute!


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How to make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (recipe with video) & Pumpkin Smoothie - Rice 'n Flour (2024)


Why are my homemade dinner rolls hard? ›

Too much flour, or not the right kind, could be to blame. Dough made only from flour with a high or even average amount of protein (like bread flour or all-purpose flour) can become tough from overmixing. Protein gives bread structure in the form of gluten—the more you mix and move the dough, the more gluten you get.

How do you spruce up store bought dinner rolls? ›

Sprinkle with fresh herbs.

After that healthy brush of melted butter, sprinkle some finely chopped fresh herbs over the rolls. Use whatever you have on hand. Herbs like rosemary, thyme, sage, and oregano are all great contenders.

What is the difference between dinner rolls and buns? ›

Rolls are typically proofed and baked closer together for a softer, “pull apart” result. This makes them great for dipping or eating alongside other food. On the other hand, buns are proofed with space between them, which makes them crustier.

What makes homemade rolls dense? ›

There may be several reasons for a dense, cake like texture in bread. It may indicate the kneading wasn't enough for the gluten to develop properly, or the dough was proved for too short a time or the dough may have been too dry. It is also worth checking the flour you used.

Should you brush dinner rolls before baking? ›

Butter basting: Rolls can be brushed with butter before, during, or after baking. While it doesn't brown the surface as much as egg wash will, it does promote browning and adds a lot of flavor.

How to give dinner rolls more flavor? ›

Pepper, Parmesan, and butter—the simple but flavorful cacio e pepe trifecta gives your dinner rolls an Italian twist. After brushing some melted butter onto the rolls, top with freshly cracked pepper and shredded Parmesan cheese. Pop it in the oven until the cheese is all melted and the pepper is toasted.

What makes rolls taste good? ›

Butter: adds flavor, body, texture and softness. Do not substitute butter – it is integral ingredient for these dinner rolls. Salt: any rolls or bread would virtually be flavorless without salt! Garlic Salt: is my secret ingredient in both my homemade pizza dough and this dinner roll recipe.

Should homemade dinner rolls be refrigerated? ›

If you're only a day or two away from your party, you can also just refrigerate either the dough or the shaped rolls — they'll keep just fine without even needing to go to the freezer. Whichever method you end up using, three days in the fridge or a month in the freezer is about the maximum that I recommend.

How do you keep dinner rolls from getting hard? ›

If you want it to remain as fresh as possible, then you really have to enclose it in something like a plastic bag to retain its moisture. But the crust will be soft if you do that. For me, I just use bags to keep it fresher and then I will reheat a bun or loaf briefly to crisp the crust up again the next day.

Why does my homemade bread feel hard? ›

The type of flour can also affect the crust. My emmer loaves are softer than my whole wheat which are softer than my bread flour loaves. The temperature of the bake can also play into the crust texture.

Why are my bread rolls not soft? ›

You're probably not developing the gluten enough. Could also be too low hydration, or maybe under-proofed. Maybe your yeast is old… A simple switch might be using all purpose flour instead of bread flour.

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